Ethiopia Case Study

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The Demographic Profile of the Country
Ethiopia is located in the north-eastern portion of Africa. It is a landlocked country, commonly known as the Horn of Africa. The country is split diagonally by the Great Rift Valley. The western highlands get the most precipitation, while the lowlands and eastern highlands are arid. Ethiopia has three different climate zones that change with elevation: Kolla (Tropical Zone), Woina dega (Subtropical zone), and Dega (Cool zone). They also have four seasons: Kiremt/Meher (summer), Belg (autumn), Bega (winter), and Tseday (spring). The population is 77,431,000 and the capital is Addis Abba, with a population of 2,723,000. The life expectancy is 64 years, with women being 66 years and men 62 years. Ethiopia’s
These things are brought on by factors like poor sanitation, unclean water, and poverty. The people who are more susceptible to getting these illnesses are those who live in rural areas. They especially suffer from malnutrition because of the droughts that persist most of the year, leaving families without food or proper water. Drought also leaves them impoverished because they are not able to grow and sell food, which leads to a number of problems, including not being able to afford health services. They are also far from safe drinking water, making them prone to catching malaria and other diseases that kills mothers and
It is called, The Ministry of Health and they are in charge of all health affairs. The government, witnessing the weak healthcare system, claims they are working on fixing those problems. They are particularly focusing on building up primary health care, which still does not help the 85% of people living in rural areas who do not have transportation or access to health providers. There are 149 hospitals and 40 private practices in Ethiopia, which many people cannot afford. Most farmers in Ethiopia make under $2 a day in U.S. dollars, which cannot afford a check-up, much less medication for treating a serious disease like HIV/AIDS. Also, health workers are lowly paid which makes them take on several jobs, which can result in being absent from their medical job. Absenteeism also leads to unsatisfactory work, because of health personnel having to juggle so many jobs. For most Ethiopians having health insurance is a luxury of being rich. Since many people are poor and uneducated, they either do not know about health insurance or they choose not to purchase it. In 2010, a health insurance proclamation was established to promote social health care for people without health insurance. Social Health Insurance (SHI) was created for formal sector employees and Community-Based Health Insurance (CBHI) was made for people who live in rural areas and

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