Ethics In The True Cost

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The film “The True Cost” is a documentary about fast-fashion and shows us different interviews with different people who work in the fashion industry. The film shows us the “behind the scenes” of exactly how our clothes are produced so quickly and sold to us at the lowest prices possible. The documentary allows us to see what lives and working conditions; many of the sweatshop factory workers, who make our clothes; have to face. We learn in the movie that consumers are demanding more, cheaper clothing all the time, this then results in businesses needing to reduce expenses to reduce their prices, therefor the labour workers in many factories are being exploited and forced to work in very bad working conditions for long hours, with little pay. …show more content…

 A solution would be to create a big filter tank that the toxic water will filter through before it goes into the rivers and water sources, this would then decrease the amount of people getting sick therefor more people will be able to work and the businesses factory will be working in a more ethical manner. Even though the filter tank will be expensive it will be good for the long run.

• (30:30) is a example of unethical behavior because the businesses are making the farmers buy seeds that are genetically modified (GN) and then the farmers need to buy pesticides too because the seeds are not doing what they were created to do, these chemicals are effecting the farmers and the people in the surrounding villages health, these people are suffering from mental illnesses, cancers and birth defects ( physical handicaps and mental retardation), therefor the business is not being ethical because they are contributing to pollution and bad health for their

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