Ethical Issues In Gattaca

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GATTACA is a film placed in the near future where the plot is based around a less-than-perfect man, Vincent Freeman. Vincent Freeman is one of the last natural born babies into a society of genetic discrimination, where babies could now be genetically-enhanced. To achieve his dream of going into space, he takes the identity of Jerome Morrow, a man with perfect genetics. Jerome is paralyzed due to the result of a car accident. With professional guidance, Vincent learns to deceive DNA and urine sample testing to allow him into GATTACA with his name as Jerome. When he is finally scheduled for a space mission, the director of GATTACA is killed and the police begin an investigation on everyone in GATTACA, this puts Vincent at the risk of his secret coming out. As technology and science continues in today's world, there could be a possibility of creating a generation of genetically engineered humans. A company, and society similar to GATTACA could appear in the near future. The technology would take years to create, …show more content…

A person's genetics is what makes them look the way they are, discrimination of race is because of genetics. GATTACA looked past anyone's religion, race, gender, all that matters is someone's genetics were good or not. The irony that is within this concept is that genetics is the cause of discrimination. Society today does not think about judging people by their genetics, it does not seem important in today's world. There is feminism because of women's genetics, women are who they are because of that last pair of chromosomes being XX. There was slavery in early history because of people's skin color genes, everything relates back to genetics. However, there is still discrimination towards other things in society, like religion or political views. Those are still around even though they do not have to do with

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