Essay On The Movie Gattaca

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In the 21st century, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (a screening test used to determine if genetic or chromosomal disorders are present in embryos) can easily be achieve at a high price. This had help doctors predicted and prevented many babies with special features. As a kid, we learned in school that our genes define who we are as a person and without them, we all would look very alike and would act in the very same way. However, does our genetic served more than defining our personalities, likes, or dislikes? What if people were to look at your genes under a microscope, will they be able to tell beyond your cosmetic appearance and see things such as your goals and ambition? Gattaca did a pretty good job of proving this point of view …show more content…

Things such as genetic discrimination, or unequal classes or even genocide. The movie start out with a parents selecting the best embryos for their second child because their first child was a mistake. By letting their first child born the “natural” way, he unfortunately suffered from many disorders and expected to live with the life span of 30.2 years. This forces him to have unequal opportunities in life and constantly being discriminated against regarding his big dreams and goals. With just the very beginning of this film, it manage the show the disadvantages of children will have just by having “lesser good DNA” than others, that they would not have an options in society base on their genetic alone. Although genetic discriminations is illegal in the film, it didn 't stop people with better DNA to abuse it, and for that reason, the society were separated into two. The two were known as the “valids” and “in-valids”. The “valids” are those who qualified for prestigious jobs while the “in-valid” are those who worked for low-life jobs. With the technologies that we can access, a step toward this “perfect world” portrayed isn’t to far away, but the film did gave me a perspective on their lives with Cultural …show more content…

Our own society and Gattaca’s society moral codes are different, therefore, we both approach life very differently. Gattaca envision the world would be perfect with “designer babies”, but did suffer an unequal class men and genetic discrimination. For us, without the freely of PGD, we’re dealing with many disorders and syndromes. In “God and Morality” by Cahn, he stated multiple times that by gods, murder is immoral. By discarding the embryos with the potential of disorders, are they throwing away human beings? I believe so. Since embryos are in the process of developing, many argued that embryos are not human being. Mainly the reason being that because it isn 't fully developed, but neither is four-year-old. A human is not fully developed until the late teens to mid twenties, some mature in variety of different ways. Another reasons being embryos aren 't really alive. Embryos are in the process of development, therefore, it’s growing, it’s responding, it’s fueling by food and oxygen, the basics essential to a living being. Embryos are

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