Essay Who Was Responsible For Macbeth's Downfall

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In the play Macbeth, the events that occurred in Macbeth’s life occurred as a result of his decisions, but the witches prophecies were the catalyst to his rash decision making. The witches implanted the thought of murder in his Macbeth’s head which, resultingly, allowed his ambition to lead to his defeat. Already power-hungry and longing for the crown, the witches sharing of Macbeth’s prophecy when they said “All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter” only enhanced his desire for the crown (1.3.50). Macbeth thinking he had a good chance at the throne and gaining all the power that comes with king made him bloodthirsty. The witches prophecies are not the reason for Macbeth's fall, although they served as a catalyst for the actions that led to Macbeth’s defeat.Though the prophecies led him to those decisions, Lady Macbeth also provoked him to make bad decisions as she was the one who introduced the idea of killing Banquo and Fleance which lead Macbeth be fine with the idea of killing others to gain the crown. …show more content…

Those who believe in having a destiny may favor fate, but those who are more of a realist may say free will. Since Macbeth was the one who made those choices, it was his free will. On the contrary if his fate was to make those choices, then he was always destined to make those choices as well as destined to die in pursuit of the crown . His worst decision was sending a murderer to kill Macduff’s family as that was his decision leading up to his fall which was signaled when Macduff said “ The castle of Macduff i will surprise; seize upon Fife; give to th’ edge o’ th’ sword His wife, his babies, and all unfortunate souls that trace him in line” ( 4.1.151-153). Macbeth was destined to make those choices as it was his fate to fall and go crazy for power. It was his fate to go crazy and go on a killing spree for the

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