Examples Of Who Was Responsible For Macbeth's Downfall

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In the play, Macbeth was responsible for his downfall and let his greed take over. He was always ambitious, but ended up abandoning his loyalty from King Duncan, the King of Scotland and slowly changed him from a trustworthy, brave and loyal soldier to a merciless tyrant. Lady Macbeth and the three witches are responsible for Macbeth’s downfall. The prophecies changed Macbeth for the worst and is willing to remove any threats that stand in his way. Macbeth, although a loyal warrior, had always possessed ambitious motives that finally turned him into a murderer. Lady Macbeth and the three witches are responsible for Macbeth’s downfall. The three witches told Macbeth a prophecy, which led him to murder anyone in his way for more power. In page 18, When Macbeth heard that he became the new Thane of Cawdor, he thought, “If it’s my fate to be king, then fate might make me king, without me having to do anything”. This is ironic because he ended up murdering innocent people such as his best friend and Macduff’s family to stay as the King. Macbeth relied too much on the prophecies from the three witches to save him from fear. “Im determined to know the worst, by any means I can. I have to know, for my own good”(p.72). Lady Macbeth was also …show more content…

Banquo was a threat to him because he was witness when the witches told them the prophecy. Macbeth said, “He's also clever enough to act when the time’s right. He’s the only one I’m afraid of ”(p.51). In the beginning he was hesitant and didn’t want to kill, but now it seemed natural to him. Overtime, Macbeth’s personality slowly changed and is willing to dispose those who pose a threat to him. Macbeth said to his wife, “My dear wife, My mind’s full of scorpions! You know that Banquo and his son Fleance are alive.” Macbeth destroyed himself by his wicked and selfish ambitions. He let his greed lead him to

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