Essay: What Impact Does Over Testing Have On Pupils And Teachers

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English Argumentative Essay – What Impact Does Over Testing Have on Pupils and Teachers?

Are students tested too much? According to an article on ‘The Washington Post’ the quantity of stressed teenagers is higher than that of fully grown adults. One of the main causes of this being school. As adolescents grow to become the next generation of workers, should they really be dealing with sleepless nights and worrying about their next assessment at such a vital part of growth? Or is this setting the younger generation up to be the intelligent population of the big world of work more effectively?

Some people may argue that constant testing of teen’s shows what needs to be improved upon on the teacher’s behalf for the pupil’s exams to gain their qualifications. It is argued that all of the tests and homework assignments are for the pupils own good. Most of the time the majority of people would agree that this fact is true. However, …show more content…

According to an article on, “In 2015 there were 679,840 pupils in publicly funded schools. The number has risen from 676,955 in 2014.” As the quantity of pupils to be taught is on the rise, teachers struggle to cope. When there are several tests to mark for numerous different large classes, this can take up a lot of a teacher’s spare time. Pupils quickly push their teachers anxiously awaiting results after tests. This puts more pressure on teachers to finish the marking. Overall, this could decrease the quality of the teachers schooling and marking. Teachers are also put under pressure by their faculty heads, head teachers and councils for their pupils to do well. If a teacher is given a class that contains badly behaved pupils who put in no effort, this makes the job ten times harder for the teacher. When a class like this – or any other class – does not perform well academically, the teacher will be blamed. It could be argued that this is not entirely the teachers

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