Essay On The Religion Of The Samurai

1616 Words4 Pages

The Way and the Religion of the Samurai
The rise of the samurai started in japan around 900 B.C. to 250 A.D. They had developed weapons, armor and a code and this evolved into a model for the medieval samurai. Their weapons included bows, arrows and swords. Their armor was made up of a designed helmet, a breastplate, arm, chest and shoulder plates and a belly plate. They used these to either protect or fight against others. they also had multiple religion beliefs and they honored each one. Although their not samurais all the time they also had paintings and different art styles.

Bushido was one of their beliefs and it was the conduct of the Samurai. Their main saying was "freedom from fear." A Samurai was expected to overcome his fear of death. This gave him the peace and power to serve his master faithfully and loyally and to die if necessary. Duty was his primary obligation. Samurais are to lead their lives and follow the bushido religion. Bushido stressed loyalty to one's master, self-discipline and respect, and also ethical behavior. After a defeat, some Samurai chose to commit a ritual suicide called Seppuku rather than be captured or die a dishonorable death.

Samurai became an expert at fighting both from horses and on the ground. They practiced both armed and unarmed combat. The early Samurai emphasized fighting with a bow and arrow and used swords only for hand to hand fighting and for removing heads of their enemies. Certain battles in the 13th century led to a change in the Samurai's fighting style. Swords began to be used more often and spears were also cam in handy. The Samurai was very slow changing from horse to on foot due to all the amour and weapons.

Samurai usually wore two swords. One was long and the other ...

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...d from the samurai ethic and now are very important to success in business' in Japan.

The samurai made japan culture different back then and maybe they never had thought that it would have change the modern world now. All the traditions they had and all of the techniques they used can still be found throughout the world today. Especially their art and religion. Their art can be found all over the world today, some being old and some new. Their shinto and Buddhism can still be found all throughout the Japanese culture today in the modern world.

Work Cited "Shoguns, Samurai, and Japanese Culture." Shoguns, Samurai, and Japanese Culture. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2014.

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