Essay On The Pianist

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Accuracy of The Pianist
Racism, persecution, and finally extermination; these were the terrible things that Gypsies, Russians, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Homosexuals and Jews had to face during World War II. Hitler took power in January 30, 1933 becoming the prime minister of Germany (Judy L. Hasday p. 12). By 1945, Germans, or the Nazis, had killed nearly two out of every three European Jews as part of the "Final Solution," the Nazi policy to murder the Jews of Europe (U.S. Memorial Museum). More than six million Jewish men, women, and children had been annihilated (Judy L. Hasday p. 12). German authorities were exterminating Jews and many others that were considered inferior to the Aryans. Hitler believed any one that was not an Aryan was inferior to their pure race. He believed in a race that included fair skin, blond hair, and blue eyes a pure German blood. The ones who did not meet these standards were considered a menace to the world. The Holocaust was their “Final Solution” (Gerald Reitlinger 1953). In the movie The Pianist, Wladyslaw Szpilman and all Jews were segregated from everything they had to share with Germans, this included restaurants, bars, and simple things like sidewalks. When Hitler had gotten to power he ordered to boycott all Jewish stores. This made it harder for Jews to survive. Then the authorities took everything the Jews had away, even their coins were worth less than a regular piece of metal. But why would anyone stay in the place where they are not wanted? The Pianist is a film that is historically correct because it portrays the cruelty that took place during the holocaust; it showed how much families struggled together to survive in the concentration camps.
The Pianist is the true story of a Polish Jew, ...

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... society, any one that was not an Aryan was inferior to their pure race. This race that included the characteristics of fair skin, blond hair, and blue eyes a pure German blood. Overall this movie should be shown to students so they can learn many things from this. Teach them a lesson about respect to others. So anyone who has disagreements with other people can understand that not everyone thinks the same and people need to learn how to accept others. Not two people think the same way. The question is, why would anyone stay in the place where they are not wanted? This question may have more than one answer, but it is for sure that the hope was never lost. Today’s society is more opened minded but we still have to learn many things in life. This movie is historically accurate because it was based on a true life event. This movie was amazing, any one should watch it.

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