Essay On The Crucible Scr

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The Crucible SCR’s
The Crucible is a dark and relentless showcase of betrayal and backstabbing behaviors. In the book The Crucible you see many examples of being doing whatever is needed to stay on top. This book is backed up by many secret hatreds that become very apparent as the book goes on. As these 9 girls feel that they could get in trouble or no longer be trusted, they lie and kill 20 innocent people. The trial of Pariss and John shows that Parris didn't care about John or his family, he wanted to keep his name clean in the town. As Mr. Putnam accuses Parris, he doesn't care about Parris being innocent all he cares about is the 400 acres of land Parris owns. The never ended backstabbed in this book all revolves around people only caring about themselves and will do whatever it takes to stay out of trouble. The is repeatedly shown by the girls acting out when almost proved liars. In The Crucible many conflicts arise around self absorbed and misguided people create many examples of complicated events and the truth behind a lie.
In the town of Salem, Massachusetts is where hell broke when society was put to pressure.. Arthur Miller set this epidemic …show more content…

The Crucible’s main purpose is to show the reader that in 1620, the way the court and church system was run is in many way harsher and eviler. In the book it related to the Church and the courtroom being very similar to one another. When John Proctor is pleading guilty to witchcraft, Judge Hathorne says “ this will be nailed to the church door.” As the book progresses it seems to develop a very deep man vs. society (society being the court) that continues throughout every false accusation of witchcraft. I think that theme is carried out very strongly and passionately throughout the novel. The theme of the novel The Crucible are lies and reputation. The Crucible is mainly purposed because of kids and adults that have a high say in the towns

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