Essay On The Consequences Of Lowering The Drinking Age

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Consequences of Lowering the Drinking Age Underage drinking is a very common topic and a very dangerous activity to take part in. I personally feel that underage drinking is one of those thing I strongly advise people, especially teenagers against doing. Mainly because there are underlying health risks, behavioral problems, addictions, and deaths associated with drinking period let alone being underage. First off drinking deteriorates your organs and compromises your state of health. Some of those health risks consist of cirrhosis of the liver, and heart disease. In Teen Alcoholism it states that “after prolonged or heavy drinking” you begin to “suffer from a hangover”. “A hangover indicates alcohol withdrawal, as the body and brain cells that had adjusted to the presence of alcohol try to adapt to …show more content…

Alcohol addiction is a very profound problem that has the ability to cause a ripple effect on other aspects of your life. Alcohol addiction is a chronic disease in which your body and mind become dependent on alcohol. Alcoholism is very serious because it ruins not only your life but your family’s life, and also your work life. People that love you are basically watching you poison yourself to death with alcohol. It puts a strain on your feelings, communication, and your relationship with others. The long drunken nights and hungover mornings can cause you to start being late to which and eventually not coming in at all. You may be tired and irritable, which is not suitable within the workplace. That can all create a situation where you lose you job and that can lead you becoming depressed. While you addiction may have started off with just alcohol, it can easily lead to other much harder drugs. For example, cocaine, marijuana, or other things such as ecstasy, and PCP are all deadly and strongly addicting

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