Essay On Sponges

519 Words2 Pages

Sponges are naturally passive, non-aggressive creatures…for the most part. Around 20 years ago, biologists discovered an odd phenomenon named carnivorous sponges. Since then, there have only been 7 reported species of these deadly sponges found.
Researchers in Southern California discovered a strange-looking sponge while studying undersea bacteria. While most species of sponge live as filter feeders, this species of sponge was found to be carnivorous that fed on animals on the ocean floor. Four other species of carnivorous sponge were also discovered in the Pacific Ocean.
The sponge is described as having a twig-like structure. It is able to survive and thrive on the cold ocean floor, feeding on small crustaceans. Their hunting method sounds like something out of a horror movie. The sponges cling to soft, muddy sediment on the ocean floor to freely move around. They use whip-like barbs that snatch prey right as they are swimming, slowly absorbing them into its body. The process takes a mere couple hours to completely absorb and digest the helpless animals and leave nothing behind bu...

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