Essay On Should Everyone Get A Trophy

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Many children across the country receive rewards, and prizes for playing a sport. Instead of just recognizing the best or top performers, “...many sports programs have started awarding trophies to all athletes, regardless of their performance.” Some argue that the idea of giving everyone a trophy for participation sends the wrong message, and does not reward hard work. Some say that rewarding a trophy to everyone encourages kids to continue playing a sport even if they are not the best (Should Everyone Get a Trophy). Everyone should not receive a trophy just solely on participation. It sends the wrong message to kids. Only participating should not be rewarded. Working hard, and pushing for goals should be rewarded.
1. The money spent on trophies is a whopping 3 billion dollars in the US and Canada. We can use this …show more content…

“For that same amount, we could buy every kid in the U.S. four soccer balls or three books. Every public school in the country could get 122 Chromebooks.” We can use this money for something important, and useful for students across the U.S. and help benefit them (Should Everyone Get a Trophy).
2. We are also sending the wrong message to students across the country. “In fact, some Olympic gold medalists have said that losing was the best thing that happened to them, because it motivated them to work much harder the next time.” It is important for kids to learn it is ok to lose. Kids will make mistakes, and they will learn from their mistakes and will try working harder. (Another quote from the article was) “Scientists who study praise and reward have discovered that children who are overpraised by adults start expecting rewards for everything they do.” It is critical for kids to learn that

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