Essay On Shepard Fairey

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Shepard Fairey: I Obey, Do You Are you headed in the right direction? I’m talking about your career. Are you where you want to be? The truth is, real life has hit us faster than a moving train. We are now pursuing a career that we find enjoyable and profitable. Although we have each chosen our career path, some of us don’t have such a clear view of where we are headed. As students and aspiring designers, we must look at others and study what they have gone through to be successful. I, for example, look up to Shepard Fairey who in my eyes is the Andy Warhol of our generation. This man, ladies and gentlemen, has persevered to be where he is now. He is the flame that ignites my drive to preserve and succeed as well. We normally always see the front cover of a book but never really focus on reading in between the lines. Although Shepard Fairey is successful, it took a lot of perseverance to build the empire he has. Fairey is …show more content…

I’ve had my fair share of struggles, just like Shepard Fairey. Lately I have dealt with financial instability, family problems and even self-esteem issues. Because of these issues, sometimes I don’t see clearly and that is why I get my drive from Shepard Fairey. I learned from Shepard to not give up and move forward. There have been many instances in which I have applied his persistent attitude to my own. Apart from major issues like lawsuits and arrest, Shepard Fairey also had “financial struggles, failed relationships and lack of resources, [yet he] was always determined to keep the OBEY Giant project growing” (Ramos, J & America. (2014).Fusion.) I can relate to Shepard Fairey when it comes to our struggles. If he was able to move forward from lawsuits, arrests and other struggles, I can easily move forward with my career goals and my personal life. I learned that being persistent is the key to success and Shepard Fairey definitely proves that to be

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