Essay On Sexualization Of Women In Media

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The sexualization of women in the American mass media has contributed to a relapse and neglection of women's independence and created corruption within our youth. Distorted media is creating classes of men and women, influencing concealing stereotypes enabling women to be individuals. The generations to come will be exposed to aspiring role models resembling as sex dolls, the youth and future absorb multiple forms of sexist media presenting the viewers with unattainable or objectified images of femininity. Modern media's current obsession with sex has resulted in an advancing society based off of profanity. The media’s and corporations greed for money is distorting one's morals while publicizing the degradation of women and influencing sex to make profit. Our youth will lose its innocence followed by a constricting society filled with social norms and distorted perceptions of modern women. This paper dissects two popular media artifacts uncovering its covert rhetoric.
The layout of the commercial supports a narrative arrangement reflecting a storyline following an over- sexualized all American girl. The style follows with a neglect of verbal communication with the audience, they substitute language with a burlesque soundtrack. This tactic is used to keep attention on the actress and remove distracting dialog. Hardee’s created a stimulating effect using a single image and displaying it randomly and frequently throughout the advertisement. By broadcasting a simple image repeatedly can influence one's memory. The provocative and inappropriate placement of the Hardee's logo on Upton’s body combined with repetition and profiilia provides a short term sensation catering to their audience. These strategically influenced components discretely filtered through out Hardee’s advertisements are used to persuade the viewer and to relate with emotion/Pathos and

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