When We Dead Awaken: Writing As Re-Vision

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Traditional vs. Modern Culture in When We Dead Awaken: Writing as Re-Vision

In “When We Dead Awaken: Writing as Re-Vision,” Adrienne Rich discusses her view on the role of a woman writer by using examples of her own personal experience. As I look at my life, I can begin to understand how my own personal experiences can reflect the situation of many young women. I am tormented by which role I am supposed to play in today’s society. Am I to become the traditional mother and housewife? Should I flaunt my sexuality and become the female that the media is constantly portraying? Maybe I should be myself and follow my dreams to become an independent career woman, if that is even what I want. Young women in modern society are searching for …show more content…

Who does he want me to be? He too is influenced by the media and wants me to be thin, sexy, and beautiful. But he also takes a traditional approach. He is looking for someone who will be a good mother to his children and take care of all the cooking and cleaning, the idea of male domination. According to him, that is the woman’s job. This way of looking at a woman’s role has been embraced for centuries, and, even though women have come a long way, is still accepted and expected. If this way has worked for so long then maybe it is the right choice for women. Or is the traditional approach as demeaning as the …show more content…

I am now following in my mother’s footsteps and majoring in Elementary Education at Florida Atlantic University. Perhaps she has it figured out. Right now, being a young woman is extremely difficult. With so many conflicting ideas of what a woman should be, it is obvious why there is so much confusion. I still have not determined the right path for myself, but am inspired by a quote from Rich: “Until we can understand the assumptions in which we are drenched we cannot know ourselves. And this drive to self knowledge, for women, is more than a search for identity: it is part of our refusal of the self-destructiveness of male-dominated society”(604). Today women not only have to deal with male domination, but media domination as well. I can only hope that someday I will look back on my life, having completed my search for identity, and know that I made the right decisions. I am a young woman, ready for the challenge of life, and have plenty of time for

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