Essay On Self Determination Theory

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Self-determination theory is one that assumes all humans are born with an innate drive to better oneself, basically becoming self-actualized, which is referred to as full-functioning. In self-determination theory, or SDT, full-functioning is characterized as “being aware and mindful, acting autonomously…, and pursuing and attaining intrinsic life goals” (Deci, Ryan, and, Guay 2013). SDT describes three autonomous behaviors: intrinsically motivated, extrinsically motivated, and emotionally motivated. SDT also describes three psychological basic needs of every human: the needs for competency, autonomy, and relatedness. The need for competency causes people to try tasks slightly tougher than they can currently manage, in order to improve upon …show more content…

Intrinsically motivated behaviors are those that one does for enjoyment of the activity itself. There is no external reward for these behaviors, and it is seen as a prototype for autonomous behaviors. Extrinsically motivated behaviors are those that one does to illicit a direct consequence. In some cases, one might behave a certain way to avoid punishment, or alternatively, to receive a reward. Most people are extrinsically motivated to go to work every day. There are four different types of extrinsic motivation: External, introjected, identified, and integrated. For certain activities, Amotivation can occur, which usually has negative effects. This occurs when people’s needs aren’t being satisfied by whatever they are doing. Each of the types of motivation can be located on The Self-Determination …show more content…

Similarly to the SDT, there is a set of needs that must be met before self-actualization can occur. The hierarchy of needs is shaped like a pyramid with 5 levels, physiological needs, safety needs, love/belonging needs, esteem needs, and finally self-actualization. The physiological level includes the need for food, water, and oxygen. The safety need refers to shelter and security. The love and belongingness level refers to the human need for companionship, interaction, and includes romantic love. Esteem needs involve the self, confidence, and respect of and by others. Finally self-actualization refers to creativity, spontaneity, acceptance, problem solving, and other things that involve high-level thinking and acceptance of oneself, and the world around them. Self-actualization is referred to as “the realization of individual potential” (Maclagan 2003) and is not a state that everyone is able to reach. Actually, according to Goldstein, to say one achieved self-actualization would technically be incorrect. Unlike the others, self-actualization isn’t a need that can be fulfilled, but rather a drive. In this idea of self-actualization, a person who has reached this level of the hierarchy would constantly be working to improve themselves, and be the best they can be. Maslow stated a person who is self-actualized will constantly feel “‘restless’, and a strong desire to do something” (Maclagan

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