Exploring the Aspects of Self-Determination Theory

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Self-Determination Theory Most recent theories on motivation conclude that people will start certain behaviors under the belief that this behavior will accomplish desired goals or outcomes. With Lewin (1936) and Tolman (1932) leading the charge, the goal-oriented behavior led researchers to want to understand more on the psychological value people attribute to goals, people’s expectations on reaching these goals, and the structures which keep people striving to achieve these goals. After some recent findings on goal-oriented behavior, researchers were able to differentiate different types of goals, whereas before researchers assumed that goals that were valued the same, with the same expectations of achievement, would need the same amount …show more content…

The first of the three, intrinsic motivation, explains that the individual does something purely out of enjoyment, and that the activity is gratifying in itself. Vallerand and O’Connor (1989) came up with a three part grouping of intrinsic motivation. There is intrinsic motivation to experience stimulation, which is doing something for the sensory pleasure it brings, like a person parachuting because they enjoy the sensation of falling through the air. Intrinsic motivation to know relates to doing an activity in order to learn. A person taking an online class to learn more on that field shows off this type of motivation. The last part of intrinsic motivation is to accomplish. This refers to an individual performing an activity for the pleasure of achievement, creating, or to surpass oneself. When a person is focused more on the process of achievement rather than the actual achievements results, they are intrinsically motivated through accomplishment (Vallerand and Grouzet, 2001). Extrinsic motivation is present whenever there some kind of external factors waiting for the individual at the end of the activity. There are four different forms of extrinsic motivation, which are defined by the degree to which the motivation is self-determined (Lapointe and Perreault, 2013). First of the four is integrated regulation, which means an individual joined …show more content…

A change from a self-determined engagement in a sport to a much lesser degree of self-determination is a common theme among athletes’ burning out. In other words, as the true passion and love for the game fades away, the perceived costs of sustained engagement begin to outweigh the rewards afforded by the sport. After time passes, the inability to handle the negative appraisals can lead to such harmful outcomes as physical and emotional exhaustion, reduced accomplishment, devaluation, and then complete dropout of the sport (Holmberg and Sheridan,

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