Essay On Second Amendment

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Bang Bang you just heard two shots and now your two best friends are dead and you have no way to defend yourself. That all could be true if we didn't have the second amendment. The second amendment states that “The right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”This means that we have the right to keep guns and other arms that you may have, and this can save your life and can save many more if you use them correctly. My second point is the regulation bills in congress if they were to pass gun law restriction gun use and ownership in the us. If this were to take place this could put me in harms way in the previous situation the person could have brought the gun from another country and by passed the laws completely. This …show more content…

That is one of the many examples that sports are important to me and has helped me through the years not only to become the best athlete i can be but the best person i can be. Through sports i have learned to be patient and wait for thing to open up. This was shown when a running back has to wait a couple seconds at the line to find a seem and if he's not patient it does not develop but if he is patient it will develop and that busted run turns into 10 to 15 extra yards. Another thing sports has taught me is how to work together with other people, a skill that is not only useful it is almost required if you want to get a job. Teamwork is something that has been taught to me not only through football, but my dad has taught me that you can even get fired if you have bad teamwork skills. Team work, in my definition, is to achieve a common goal and is displayed through football like when the line holds the other team away or like when the receivers try to block the DB’s . This is why football is so important to me and so many more people around this great country of

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