Argumentative Essay On The Second Amendment

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The 2nd amendment of The Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution states the following, “…the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” This unalienable right has led to numerous massacres across the country since it was first incepted and has been a topic of controversy and interest since to this day. An amendment in the Bill of Rights is an unalienable right and therefore cannot be taken away for the very government of the United States was created in order to protect them. While the amendment can’t and won’t be eradicated all together, there are still steps to be taken where we can live in a world where we are better prepared in situations where we are encounter a gun-wielding threat.
“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” As with all significant text that was written by the dead, we cannot rely on the source for their true and exact meaning of the text. The second amendment is looked at and interpreted into many meanings; some of them are solely based on the wording of the amendment. This makes the first step in the battle of gun rights determining the meaning behind the second amendment. It was long debated whether the second amendment granted the right to carry arms to white males only, considering the fact that they were the ones to write all of the amendments. Whether it had been talking about all citizens of the United States, granting the above mentioned right to the females too, and whether the blacks should be considered the citizens of United States and finally granted the same rights as everybody else. However, the Supreme Court at the time had already determined that all the citizens of...

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...ed a flurry of debate and controversy but I do believe in one’s right to self-defense. However, the Second Amendment does not give one the right to walk up to a kindergarten and open fire. There have to be certain situations that are specified with the people and circumstance involved that gives them the right to wield that certain weapon in order for them to have the right to use it. Gun wielders must understand how to act in self-defense and self defense only. Governments must learn study the patterns of their history in order to prepare for the consequences of the laws they put in place. With the right preparation and education provided by the government and those attack aware of what they are capable of doing with a firearm, the Second Amendment should be able to refrain from garnering controversy as it has in the past as well as enhancing the safety of others.

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