Essay On Romantic Love In Othello

550 Words2 Pages

In Othello, Shakespeare tests the idea as to what romantic love is, and where it can withstand the test of time and exist without failing. Seeing the relationship between Desdemona and Othello, the play appears to say that marriage based on an innocent romantic love is bound to fail. Shakespeare seems cynical about the survival and endurance of a true type of love, however Othello and Desdemona are portrayed in the play as the two greatest innocents that ever were. The two appear to love one another romantically at first, but this romantic love couldn’t have hoped to have last without a basis of communication and understanding from both sides. Othello knows only about war and battle, that’s what he’s good at but not so much in anything else. Desdemona is little more than a girl; she isn’t very experienced in the ways of the world and has a naïve nature to her. She is taken in by Othello's war stories and his mysteriousness and is swept off her feet but she doesn’t really know him. The reason this spirals out so quickly and ends in tragedy is because there is no foundation for a relat...

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