Essay On Racial Unity

519 Words2 Pages

We can promote racial unity in Malaysia through National Talk that focus on building racial unity in Malaysia. Conversely, the integration of students from all races into national schools from the elementary level would help promote the development of friendships among students from an early age. A study on hostel preferences at a Malaysian university in terms of race and religion points to the significance of primary school origins and highlights the potential benefits of early ethnic integration (Chan 2004: 29). It also cautions that both primary and secondary national schools would need to ensure a high ethnic mix for such a policy to be effective (Chan 2004: 29) and organized a national talk regarding unity integration that involved different races will be the key. This can be done by invite a motivator to talk about unity and eventually enhanced the racial unity among the participant. Different races of society should be invited in participant the talk. Through this talk, there is a lot of activity not just focussing on giving lecture but also some games like “icebreaking sessio...

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