Essay On Poetry Of Departures

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Internal conflict erupts between staying and leaving home, leading to indecision. In the poem “Poetry of Departures” author Philip Larkin details the struggle between breaking out of familiarity and making the leap to enter the unknown. Weary of persistent perfection, inspires a yearn to leave and adventure into uncertainty Consistent settling produces dissatisfaction. Beginning with a vague tone, the narrator mentions an “audacious, purifying, elemental move” (7,8) leaving little specified and creating an enigma surrounding the future. Utilizing the juxtaposition of an indecisive stay-go mentality represents the sharp contrast between the two ways of living mentioned. Staying home stands for comfort and familiarity of home but causes much disappointment and “detest”. Going away from home means new experiences and opportunities along with an underlying uncertainty and risk. When discussing the problem with living in “perfect order” (15) with “the good books, [and] the good bed,”(14) the narrator proves perfection doesn’t equate to satisfaction. The narrator also illustrates his lack of courage to up and leave. Utilizing a first person point-of-view, to narrate the piece fosters an insightful understanding. This produces a more in depth …show more content…

As the narrators tells the story of a man who gained enough courage to walk out on the whole crowd”(17) a jealous tone overcomes the piece. He compares his excitement in watching the man get up and leave to a woman who just “undid her dress” (19) and to when insults are being used in a fight. His excitement leaves him “flushed and stirred” (18) resembling his own desire to experience a similar situation. He envies the certain freedom associated with walking out and not having to look back. The event reminds him to remain “sober and industrious” (23) providing him motivation to continue working hard and staying focused so one day he can too act as the man

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