Essay On Personal Narrative: My Life As An Immigrant

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I was born with a unilateral cleft lip and palate, this was devastating for my parents who had no idea of what was to come: years of rushing to doctor appointments, taking loans out for surgeries, having to see me being picked apart by my appearance, helping me recover from every operation, it was a burden most parents would never have to deal with. The pain of looking different was a big mountain to climb, I struggled for years with feelings of inadequacy and trying to get my physical appearance align with what was inside. Yet the NYU Langone medical center saved me. In the waiting room, I would meet many children with cleft disfigurations just like me, I was able to connect with them through the NYU medical center. It facilitated our sense of belonging, my parents were told this was the best place in the world to go for treatment. I first entered its doors as an infant, Dr. Cutting …show more content…

From then, I realized what incredible things NYU did for not only me, but everyone in New York. For this very reason, my brother was born at NYU medical center. I have had many life milestones in this hospital. That is what made me decide to apply, when I visited the university, I loved how close it was to Washington Square Park, the location is incredible, and the whole city is the campus. I am interested in the New York campus because it is one of the most global cities on earth, it is also my hometown, and as someone who intends on majoring in International Relations, it is the perfect place to be. I am open to studying abroad, as I have lived in Germany and Singapore, and would love to travel more and encourage myself to be a global citizen. With attending NYU, I would have the opportunity to complete my story of having had NYU facilitate my strength, my perseverance and now, my knowledge and

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