Personal Narrative: My Life As An Immigrant

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Pick up any newspaper today and look no further than the front page headlines. What you will read is a story about hundreds, if not thousands, of men, women, and children who have been scared away from their homes and stripped of basic human rights, like healthcare, security, and education. All over the world, people are reading this same story of families in Syria being uprooted by civil war, or schoolgirls being kidnapped in Nigeria-or migrants searching for freedom in a foreign land. As Americans, we tend to forget about the journey we all share together, regardless of race, gender, creed, or nationality. So when I think about where I am going, I can’t help but think about the events that have made my story part of a greater global narrative. …show more content…

My maternal grandfather was an engineer and professor when the Castro regime took over. Once he lost his job he was forced to work the land on a sugar cane plantation where he made the equivalent to twenty cents a week. My paternal grandfather was a lawyer, diplomat, professor, and author in Havana, before his name was placed on a government watch list. He, too, lost his jobs along with his house and his car. As a first generation American, I’ve been blessed to do anything I want, be anyone I want, without feeling less than equal. I have received a college education, found a passion and cultivated it into a goal. And that’s more than a lot of people can say, whether they live in Cuba, Syria, or North Eastern

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