Essay On Peer Pressure In The Fashion Industry

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Peer Pressure in the fashion industry
Does the fashion industry need skinny models to portray a clothing line? At a very young age, many people were introduced to models whether they are in ads, TV, or on magazine covers. This soon became a part of society to think that beauty is tall and skinny. But the truth is that the average American women is about 5’3 and weighs about 166pounds which is quite a difference to the average American model that’s 5’9-6’0 and weights about 110 pounds to 130. Looking at the statistics one might say that there is almost no correlation between the two. Meaning how can modern day women live up to these unrealistic ideas of beauty. I believe that this way of thinking can be changed by instituting varieties of shapes and sizes within the fashion industry.
The problems with body image doesnt only affect women it affects everybody including young girls. This problem continues to escalate every year with every new trend. Imagine being a young teenage girl with 99 problems and 1 of them being how you look at yourself, seeing that hate or disgust in the mirror thinking, how can I change myself to look like the girl on seventeen magazines. Believe or not this is how many cases of anorexia or bulimia starts “Anorexia affects both the body and the mind. It may start as dieting, but it gets out of control. You think about food, dieting, and weight all the time. You have a distorted body image. Other people say you are too thin, but when you look in the mirror, you see a fat person.” The quote above explains thoroughly how anorexia affects both mind and body by distorting images that does not reflect the true reality. Most anorexia cases start with harmless dieting and the goal to become skinny, although these ...

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...parison from a supermodel to a teenage girl. People constantly put themselves down because of the havoc the industry causes by having to thin models.
This is an important topic for all because women, teenagers, girls need to realize the hypocrisy behind the fashion industry and the message they send. Many women including the models themselves have fallen into the trap of changing their bodies in order to fit a certain criteria made by the industry. This is not only dangerous but ifs harmful to health of all women and children. If this hypocrisy continues, then generations from on will have to suffer the consequences of eating disorders and self harming. We as a people must come together and stand against the fight of peer pressure originating from the fashion industry. To do this we must order the fashion industry to publicly accept all sizes and shapes to model.

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