Essay On Participation Odds

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Participation Trophies Are Poisonous to Our Future Generations As the team of eight-year-olds stand in a line they all reach out for the same thing; a trophy. There’s a great assortment of players; the great kind and the ones that need some work. Although there were very few who played extremely well everyone received the same trophy. No child will be told if they need improvement, they will be told how they’re all perfect at the sport. While some coaches and parents approve of participation trophies there’s a great amount of that are strictly against it. I’ll admit, winning is great, but you shouldn’t get rewarded for needing improvement. Participation trophies teach kids that just showing up to practices or just games will get you rewarded. Ashley Marrymen said, “The benefit of competition isn’t …show more content…

For example, once they go into higher grades and do well on assignments they will be disappointed when they get nothing more than a good grade. According to Jason Powers, once kids reach the age four or five they are able to identify those who struggle and those who succeed. By not giving participation trophies you are helping our athletes learn how to improve. Coaches will always have a reason to giving away participation trophies. If you ask most coaches, their reason will be the kids are happy and feel they actually matter in the game. Although Jason Powers with the Huffington Post states children enjoy the feeling of winning, they will never learn. Teaching kids that losing gets them rewarded isn’t a good idea, for they won’t try as hard as they can.
There are many ways trophies are a bad idea. Teaching kids that they can get a trophy for not trying their best instead of accepting the fact that they played in the game is the wrong way to raise our children. Maybe we should focus on a way to tell our little athletes what to improve on than shining ten little silver

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