Essay On Nursing Profession

554 Words2 Pages

I have been interested in health care professions for most of my life, but more specifically with nursing. My interest in nursing has grown more this past year after I had a conversation with a nurse. She told me that she loved her job and that it was satisfying helping people everyday. She also went on to tell me that it was never boring and that interesting things happened very often. I have researched about careers in nursing and I believe that I would enjoy it because I think that it would be great to be able to help people. Nursing is much more than just a career. To me nursing is helping and bettering the life of the sick or the infirm. Nursing is the practice of providing care for the sick and is a healthcare profession that plays an integral part within everyday life of people around the world, yet many do not know that there is much more to nursing than just that. Nursing can be defined in many ways and many people have different interpretations of it. Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviati...

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