Essay On National Park Service

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In a time when people would rather look at nature on a screen than going out and experiencing it themselves, the
National Park Service needs advocates and resources more than ever. The National Park Service manages all of the parks and monuments and maintains all of the sites to make sure that the sites are in a condition for people to visit and explore. Congress is seriously considering cutting a large amount of the funding going to the National Park Service due to the fact that a large percentage of Americans seem to have become uninterested in these parks and monuments. Attendance at National Parks and monuments has drastically declined in this new age of technology, and the parks are not able to bring in enough money for Congress to justify the continuation of funding the National Park Service. However, cutting funding to this program would be a great disservice to the American public for many reasons. The National Park Service deserves adequate funding and resources because of the educational experiences it provides and the cultural importance it holds to many Americans. …show more content…

Cutting the funding towards this program would deprive Americans of a learning experience that is key to expanding their knowledge of concepts such as nature, the ecosystem, and environmental science. Students from all across the country visit national parks and monuments on field trips to enhance classroom lessons. National parks and monuments provide many educational opportunities such as,” teaching kids about nature, developing teacher curriculum and interpreting historical events,” (Bilmes and Loomis). The lessons gained from visiting National Parks would be impossible to replicate on any electronic device and can only be taught by being immersed in and experiencing the nature itself. National parks and monuments are also,” used for scientific exploration, historical research

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