Essay On Muscular Dystrophy

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muscular dystrophy has many forms and therefore symptoms can vary between the variations. Overall symptoms include the weakening of skeletal muscles and the defect and death muscle tissues. Duchenne muscular dystrophy is the most common and affects young boys such as Eddie. Eddie is an 11 year old boy and has been diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The symptoms appeared at the age of 5 and had led to the weakening of his leg and arm muscles and the eventual need of a wheelchair. Some of these symptoms include: • Frequent falls • Awkward manner of walking • Fatigue and low endurance • Loss of motor skills (jumping, running) • Eventual loss of ability to walk While Eddie is able to move around with the aid of a wheelchair, his muscles have shrunken and have been replaced with fat. Additionally, he has an intellectual impairment as a result of DMD. However, the intellectual impairment will not worsen over time. Duchenne muscular dystrophy can also affect the hips, thighs shoulder muscles and calves. The calves will usually be enlarged and the symptoms of DMD will progressively worsen. By the age of 10 to 12, the person affected will require the use of a wheelchair. At the age of 21, most patients will be paralyzed from the neck down. Duchenne muscular dystrophy will appear in those affected before the age of 6, and the lifespan of patients affected with DMD is usually around 25. Becker muscular dystrophy is similar to Duchenne muscular dystrophy and also has similar symptoms, but is much less severe. This is because the gene affected, dystrophin, is still partially functional. Therefore, the symptoms appear much later into one’s life and usually, the person affected is able to live for... ... middle of paper ... ...rrifying when I found out that he had MD. He was unable to walk properly and his muscles deteriorated to a large extent. His whole life was changed and I remember me and him crying for long periods. Eddie: I wasn’t able to participate in many activities and I now need a wheelchair. Most of time I spend playing video games because it helps relieve my mind. Question: Since you have MD, did anyone in your family also have the disease? Eddie: I think my dad had it… Eddie’s Mom: Yes… that’s true but he had passed away at an early age due the disease. I don’t know what I would do if I also lost Eddie! Question: Have you tried to find treatments for Eddie? Eddie’s Mom: Yes! I’ve searched almost everywhere on the internet, yet most drugs and medicines are expensive. I have however sent him through physical therapy. Thank you to Eddie and his mom for a great contribution!

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