Essay On Mistakes In Romeo And Juliet

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The famous quote ,“Everyone makes mistakes. The important thing is to not make the same mistake twice” is said by Stephanie Perkins . Making mistakes is a very common part of life. Most people might even agree that making mistakes, improves the person as an individual as they learn what not to do after committing one. However, is it foolish to commit the same mistake more than once or even twice? In the well-known play, Romeo and Juliet the protagonist, Romeo, is shown making rash decisions which have almost always resulted in a tragic situation or ending. Romeo throughout the book has been shown as an impetuous person. This included making a decision on his own marriage without giving it a forethought. In the beginning of the book Romeo thinks that Rosaline is his one true love and that he will never be able to forget her. To quote in the book he says, “ Thou canst not teach me to forget.” Although this quote is very short, it plays an important role in proving Romeo’s rash behavior. This quote then leads us to the next day when Romeo speaks to the Friar saying ,” Then plainly know my heart’s dear love is set on the fair daughter of rich …show more content…

When Romeo found out that Juliet was dead, he immediately without any forethought fled to Verona so that he could be with Juliet. This is shown in the book when Romeo says, “ Thou know’st my lodging. Get me ink and paper,and hire post horses. I will hence tonight.” This leads to him going to Verona and meeting Juliet. There he commits suicide since his motivation was to be with Juliet forever. This is shown in the play when its shows Romeo drinking the poison and saying, “Oh, that pharmacist was honest! His drugs work quickly. So I die with a kiss.” As a result, his rash decision marked the end of his own life. Hence, this shows that Romeo’s impulsive behavior not only took his own life but also Juliet’s life, who could not live without Romeo, and drank the

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