Essay On Literacy Instruction

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Header: Literacy Instruction

Literacy Instruction
Maria Butler
Walden University
Judith Orth, Ph.D.
EDUC 6705R-1
Foundations of Reading and Literacy
January 19, 2014

Literacy Based Instruction
This assignment has been a great research project. So often, in courses, the research that is required is not beneficial. With this project, I have learned so much. I decided to research Principle 8. This principle discusses how important parents are in their child’s learning (Tomkins, 2010). I feel that teaching can only benefit from parents being involved in the classroom. At the school where I work, we have a very big problem with parents being involved in their children’s learning. I chose this topic to hopefully help me learn how to incorporate parents in my classroom every day.
I read the article, ”The Effects of Parental Involvement, Trust in Parents,
Trust In Students and Pupil Control Ideology on Conflict Management Strategies of Early

Childhood Teachers”. This article started out by discussing three different types of parental involvement: behavior, cognitive, and personal. The first point was about the parent’s behavior and whether they attended different school functions. The second was whether the parents asked about their students’ school day and questioned their child about what they had learned and the third was about whether the parents kept informed about their child at school.
The article goes on to discuss each point in detail and how important the parents are in their children’s school lives. One point that I had never heard before was the fact that a teacher must trust their students enough to have a better relationship. This development of a trusting relationship by the teacher, the...

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...some easier books (English and Spanish) and then some type of review questions or graphic organizers to review the story that was read. I think that with the bucket already planned out, the parents can come in and take the bucket and go into the hall and work. That will relieve me of having to explain to the parent each time what they need to do. I will have directions in the bucket for the parent (these will be in English and Spanish). Once I have the parents coming into my classroom,
this may even help them feel more comfortable helping out in other parts of the school (library, gym, music room, office, etc.).
This research project was great. I learned so much and also had some ideas confirmed. The article not only informed me but also inspired me to try and get my parents into my classroom! I cannot wait to get started and see my students soar!

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