Essay On Linguistic Competence

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Grammatical competences refer to the accurate use of words and structures. Grammatical competence includes having knowledge of phonology, vocabulary and word and sentence formation. Sociolinguistic competence refers to the ability to interpret and produce language in appropriate social context, and strategic competence refers to the ability to communicate and to use strategies to compensate for difficulties. With sociolinguistic competence, it includes knowledge of the sociocultural rules. For strategic competences, it most often includes the speaking compensating by paraphrasing, requesting for repetition, asking for clarification or by asking the speaker to slow down. I definitely believe that students could have one type of competence and not another. For example, just because a …show more content…

Your personality plays a huge role in how you learn a language. Students that are shy, introverts may struggle with acquisition, but may not struggle with learning language. Acquisition requires you to step out of your comfort zone, and learn through putting yourself out there and making those mistakes and learning from them. The best way to acquire a language is by using it, and if you are uncomfortable talking or if you are afraid of sounding silly, then you will have a harder time learning a language. Sociocultural factors also have a major influence in acquiring a second language. Some students come from cultures that believe it is most appropriate when students go to school to sit and listen. Also, some students grow up in a situation where their culture is very tight knit and strives to keep their native language and culture intact. As a result, someone might not feel motivated to learn an L2 because they prefer their native language and don’t want to immerse themselves into the American culture. Some cultures remain more distant than others, and this can make it harder for

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