Essay On Legendary Inspiration

515 Words2 Pages

Youstina Khalil
Mrs. Laura Geftic
English 9 Pre-AP Period 2
14 February 2014
Legendary Inspiration
Your nationality plays a huge part in who you are in the society. Your culture, background, and identity are all influenced by your nationality. Now, how would you feel if someone or a certain group wants you to start forgetting about your origin and wants you to begin learning another lifestyle that doesn’t match yours? Maybe if you are adult enough, you can prevent it from happening by rejecting that person’s idea. But if you are young, you could be merged easily with the kind of lifestyle that the person or group wants you to be like. That’s because young children are innocent, and they are still figuring out their identity. Naturally, when you put young children or teenagers with certain kinds of people, they will gradually start picking up habits of the people they are surrounded with. Jim Thorpe was one of those young – adults who were put in the Carlisle Indian School. In this school/ camp, the whites turn Native American children’s lifestyle into theirs.

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