Essay On Knowledge Is Knowledge

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Knowledge is the fact, information, or skill that is acquired by a person through experience or education. It can also be defined as the theoretical or practical understanding of a given subject. Knowledge can be acquired in different ways. The moment that we are speaking, reading, walking, or even giving an opinion to a certain topic can be considered as knowledge. We are unaware that we encounter knowledge in every moment of our lives. But as human beings, what is knowledge? How can we connect it to different happenings in our everyday lives?
When we are born, we are at our “blank state”. We have empty minds and we do not know anything. Our body functions, but we do not have an idea how it works. As we grow up, we are encountering different phases in our …show more content…

Then, our mind will eventually process the given idea. While in the process, our body, soul, minds, or spirit will react upon receiving the ideas. And that I can consider the new knowledge we have as persons. The process continuously happens every day in our lives. It does not end nor pause for a while. We can consider the process as an unending cycle of a person’s idea. The process will only stop when a person dies. It does not stop and it will only be ended once the person’s mind and spirit stops functioning. Knowledge is reality. But they are not equal to each other. For me, reality is needed to gain knowledge. Reality is something or someone that can be used in different senses. Once a thing, event, or a person is can be seen, touched, felt, tasted, smelled, heard, or anything that is in this world, is considered as reality. We can use a cat as an example. We can see it, hear, and smell it so we can consider the cat is in reality. How about the ideas from the mind that cannot be seen? We can still consider it as reality because if we trace its cause which is the person, it is indeed from reality. In knowledge, we are with the different states or changes in the world.

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