Essay On Integrity And Integrity

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We all make mistakes in life and in business. Thankfully, honest mistakes are often not the impetus towards professional destruction. That typically comes when integrity is lacking. As Warren Buffet once said, “Look for three things (in an effective leader): intelligence, energy and integrity. If they don’t have the last one, don’t even bother.” Statistics have backed up Mr. Buffet’s statement and reveal quantifying data, which proves the correlation between a leader’s integrity and their success. Dr. Fred Kiel author of the book “Return on Character” collected data on 84 CEOs. He looked at the affect behavior had on company performance. He found a multi-year return rate of 9.4% in high-integrity CEOs, while CEOs that were less honest and …show more content…

This person refuses to fire employees who aren’t pulling their weight for whatever reason. Of course, letting someone go is never fun. However, sometimes it needs to happen, and it’s up to the leader to complete the unpleasant task. When a leader wants to avoid conflict at all cost, they end up putting the whole company in jeopardy. Remember, it’s okay to be compassionate, just don’t let employees get away with substandard performance for sustained periods of time. Not Communicating: In all relational issues, communication is not only important, it’s crucial. In the business world, this is no less true. However, many leaders neglect communication. They only lecture. They don’t listen. Of course, this isn’t an example of effective communication and the end result is employees never knowing exactly where they stand. A boss who doesn’t communicate will leave employees wondering about their futures at the company and in turn create an atmosphere of uncertainty within the company. They …show more content…

Therefore, they tend to think their day fruitless if they didn’t “create” or “complete” something. To combat this, they sometimes begin micromanaging the employees working under them. This in turn prevents the employees from doing their jobs as they should and upsets the productivity of the company. Theodore Roosevelt once said this about the dangers of micromanaging, “The best leader is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and then the self restart to keep from meddling with them while they do it.” Therefore, since they understand the role they play now and refuse to meddle or micromanage, a good leader redefines their personal standard of a good day’s work. They understand their day will look different than when they were on production, but that’s

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