Essay On Incarcerated Parents

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The legal system easily forgets about providing care to children that parents are incarnated. While many prisons offer parenting classes, they don’t offer programs to help the children during the period of incarnation. Not only do these children suffer from the separation of their parent, many times these children witnessed substance -abuse and violence at home or in their neighborhoods. Thankfully foundations such as The Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Hope House are working to allow incarcerated parents to still be involved in their child’s life. Additionally, awareness should be raised to help lessen the shame children of incarcerated parent’s feel. I believe that inmates should be able to maintain a relationship with their child, to …show more content…

Not too long after I met them, the father was arrested for DUIs. This story gets very messy and complicated, so I will spare to the details. About a year after I had first meet this family the father was out of jail and back to work, and me and the mother become very close since I was there for her and her family during a hard time in her life. Everything is going great for her family for about another year and half, but then her husband repeats his behavior. Since she was a stay at home mom who homeschooled, and her husband fully supported their family my friend pled with the courts to put him on house arrest. That way he can still help with the bills and be around his children. While her husband has many issues, I know he truly loves his kids and his kids were better when he was around. I am not going to get in to the rest of the details of her story from that point on. I wanted to point out that sometimes the court systems do work with families, so their worlds don’t have to come crashing down. I know many other families haven’t been so lucky, and that that wouldn’t be an option for all offenders. But I am glad the court allowed him to stay home and be apart of his children’s

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