Impact of Parental Incarceration on Children's Lives

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Introduction Many children are affected by their parent’s actions, whether the parent makes a little or big mistake their children will suffer. The purpose of this paper is to establish how having a parent that is incarcerated affects children emotionally, what challenges they face, and how their living situation contributes to their success, and if they are treated differently based on their living situation. In some cases the children are so embarrassed about their living situations that they will suffer in silence rather than express what they are feeling. Incarceration is a huge word that brings many feelings to surface for not only children but adults as well. In today’s society there are about 2.7 million children that have a parent …show more content…

The figure is very high, necessitating the current study that aims to establish how the incarceration affects the children. Previous research indicates that incarceration has adverse impacts on the children that include anxiety, insomnia and depression (De Masi, Benson & Bohn, 2010). The absence of parental care as the children grow up may lead to behavioral problems among the children thus increasing their chances of incarceration in future. Most of the children that are affected by the adverse impacts of incarceration are African Americans and Hispanics. In an era where racial equality is advocated, there is need to address the issue to make sure that the emotional and physical development of the children is …show more content…

One limitation of the study is the high chances of distortion of information by the respondents due to factors such as the selective perception. The other limitation relates to the large volume of information collected. This affects data analysis because it may be hard to code such information. Future research Most of the information from previous studies on effects of incarceration focuses more on the social impacts. Therefore, there is need to conduct further research that focuses on the academic impacts of incarceration. There is also a need to carry out further studies on the most suitable solutions to help the children concentrate on their studies and have better social skills. Conclusion Incarceration of parent(s) has adverse effects in the social and economic development of the children. Owing to the high number of incarcerations in the United States, it is necessary for the government to define strategies that may help the children cope. Among the most suitable approaches may be the increase of time that the children are allowed to interact with their parents. The bottom line is to have a society where all children develop at the same pace, regardless of the

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