False Worship Research Paper

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Superstition and ignorance have always formed part of man's worship from earliest times and the only things that have changed are the fervour, form and depth of that very same superstition and ignorance. The consequences however have not changed, they have merely intensified and in many ways become more widespread. To examine what pertains today in the name of worship is to see a clear reflection of what pertained in years of old when people worshipped the moon and stars and thunder and lightning and an assortment of animals and events. However honest and sincere false worship may be entered into, for it is certain that not all false worshippers are rogues and tricksters, at the end of the day it is still vanity.
People worship God differently in different religions and it acceptable that this is so. In Christianity we worship God differently in the different denominations and this too is …show more content…

What is true worship?
Everyone knows what worship is. Whether you do it at home or at church or you regard your whole life as worship then it will involve awareness of God, unworthiness of self, consciousness of sin, redemption and sanctification, obedience to God and general servant-hood. All of these elements are part of worship whether true worship or false worship and we need to be sure that our worship is not false. So how do we do that? How do we distinguish between true worship and false worship?
It is true that the early Church in their worship service did certain things like offered prayers to God through Christ; participated in verbal thanksgiving; observed the Lord's supper; gave of their means; taught the sacred Scriptures and sang certain kinds of songs. But doing these things do not mean the worshippers were doing so in spirit and in truth. Ananias and Sapphire did these things and were false. Paul spoke of those who were taking the Lord's Supper falsely and even one leader of the early church who worshipped regularly was a

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