Essay On Global Health Issues

2964 Words6 Pages

This report is based on the major and specific global health problems in the world. Global health refers to the health of all people in the world which concerns about the health issues that go beyond the borders of each country due to the globalization ( Dyar & Costa, 2013). As well as health issues are referred to the health problems created due to this globalization.

The objectives of this essay is to identify and address the global health issues as whole including causes of these issues and impact of these issues. Also it is aim to address the preventive measures to reduce the global issues and report the methods for global health issues identified and understand the global health priorities with regards to major health issues throughout the world.

This assignment consists of two parts. Whereas part 1 will analyses the causes and impacts of health issues to individual, communities and nation. Also will address the preventive measure and methods to overcome from these health issues noted. Moreover in this part will discuss the understanding of global and national health priorities. On the other hand part B will give a comparison about the primary and secondary data of the global burden of disease with that of Maldives situation. Finally, there will be a conclusion based on the findings of this essay.

Part 1

Major Health issues
Before going into the causes, of health problems, let’s have a look on the major global health issues. Following are the some major health issues and size of those problems identified in worldwide.
• Over two thirds of deaths in each year among estimated yearly deaths are due to non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetics, cancer and upper res...

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...tly should attend to the most urgent and highest needful problems to reduce the risk of developing those issues. Health priorities include reduction of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), decrease the road traffic accidents rate, reduce the infectious disease and vaccine preventable diseases, prevent transmit of HIV infections and reduce the poverty by minimizing gap between rich and poor. In addition, this health problems should be addressed in accordance to WHO guidelines, Millenniums development goals and according to other international health reporting standards. Moreover understanding the burden of disease is important where it helps to measure weightage of disease in a specific nation with that of the global situation. So supportively this will help to prioritize the urgent health problems in the country which will support the prevention of those health issues.

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