Essay On Family Involvement In School Success

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Family involvement makes a difference in school success. When the parents and families are involved with the child it makes things better for them in school. Believe it or not, the parents and families play a big role with the child’s education. The school can tell if the parents are involved in the child’s life and education. They can tell by the performance and behavior. As we know, performance and behavior are important in a classroom. “Family involvement helps children get ready to enter school, promotes their school success, and prepares youth for college” (Harvard Family Research Project, p.1, 2006). Preparing your child is important. Working with your child is important. Being involved allows them to be successful with their academics. It is important that parents make a different in their children’s life so they can be successful learners. The article, “Family Involvement Makes a Difference in School Success” explains that learning starts at a young age. It is important that we guide our child toward the right path by working with them at home so we can prepare them for school. It is important that parents do their part so they know what to expect when they start school. When parents …show more content…

Good schools encourage parents to be involved. Parents are important just like the student. “The school plays an important role in determining the levels of parental involvement in school. Specifically, schools can outline their expectations of parents and regularly communicate with parents about what children are learning” (NEA, p.2, 2011). NEA reviews of research also explains, “also, schools can provide opportunities for parents to talk with school personnel about parents ' role in their children 's education through home visits, family nights, and well-planned parent-teacher conferences and open houses.” When everyone takes the time to work together as a team, it makes things a lot easier for the

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