Factory Farming Persuasive Essay

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Factory farming is raising farm animals in a very small, confined space on an oversized scale for the aim of supplying food for human consumption. It is argued that factory farming is very cruel and harmful for the animals concerned, which there are more appropriate ways that food to be produced. The food created by factory farms could also be cheaper, however the possibilities are it is also lower quality. The animals within these factories aren't fed on a very healthy diet. Factory farming could result in the production of cheaper meat made, however this might be unhealthy for society once the health consequences may end up fatal. Factory farming should be prohibited worldwide as a result of not only is it cruel toward innocent animals, it …show more content…

Sadly, the general public usually does not see what really goes on within these “farms.” Chemicals, animal byproducts, medicine, meat that comes from its own species, and plastic are products that are fed to the animals that live in these factory farms (Adams, 2007). These animals are tortured and used for strictly slaughter so as to be consumed. Generally massive numbers of animals are kept in closed and tight confinements, having solely very little area to move around. Many animals suffer in very difficult circumstances. The animals are genetically altered to grow quicker or to provide rather more milk or eggs than they naturally would. Several animals reach below their own weight and die simply inches far from water and food (Bliss, 2012). This is just one of many examples of the cruel actions factory farmers have put upon the vulnerable animals. When they have finally matured large enough, animals raised for food are packed onto trucks and transported over several miles through all weather extremes, usually without food or water, to the slaughterhouse. Many of these animals are slaughtered while they are conscious. Many conscious animals are aware once they are plunged into the boiling hot water of the defeathering or hair-removal tanks or while their bodies are being skinned or hacked apart (Bliss, …show more content…

Factory farms are breeding grounds for dangerous diseases, which might spread to the community (Sayre, 2009). Not simply within the food, but additionally within the water, the air, and also the bodies of farm employees and their families. Before the cows are slaughtered, cows are typically pumped with chemicals and hormones (The Pros and Cons: A Debate on Things That Matter, n.d.). The poor conditions inside factory farms cause animals to become unbelievably sick and therefore the antibiotics accustomed stop the prevent of diseases in these stressful conditions help, however different times they inject these helpless animals with simply anything. It's difficult to suppose that the animals being consumed are injected chemically and with alternative harmful

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