Essay On Environment And Environment

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THE PARADOX OF HOPE OR HOPELESSNESS: HOW DO YOUNG PEOPLE VIEW ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION? In this study, the researchers seek to understand if common factors can be identified in young people’s ideas about and responses to environmental issues, and determine if they need support to move towards a more interconnected understanding of the environment to achieve meaningful action. Studies have indicated that young people may not recognize the links between their personal actions and global problems or that they have a tendency to allocate responsibility for the environment to the government rather than themselves. This can result in a divergence between understanding what causes environmental problems and their individual actions to combat environmental change (e.g. voting, attending rallies, or recycling). If there are common factors that young people share in their concern for or understanding of environmental actions, perhaps there are ways to help them link …show more content…

Interestingly, they were able to rank these issues despite the fact that they are fundamentally connected, which may indicate a lack of understanding about causal relationships between the two. For example, they said that the most important threat is global warming and the least important was resource consumption, even though global resource consumption is arguably the underpinning of global warming. Another ‘mismatch’ documented in the survey answers was between the level of responsibility assigned to different stakeholders. For example, they assigned a higher level of environmental responsibility to the government than to themselves, and yet they ranked ‘writing to politicians’ as they least important environmental action, while saving electricity the most

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