Essay On Effects Of Social Networking

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Jordan Rangitsch ENG 102 Laura Ofstad Final Draft Effects of Social Networking on Today’s Society Social Networking may be affecting the lives of people young and old, socially and psychologically. Websites such as Facebook and Twitter have introduced new ways of communication; in today’s world social networking has become one of the most popular ways of communicating among people. These websites may sound good and offer many benefits of interaction but are they doing more harm than good? Our lives can be affected in many ways due to social networking. This paper will explain why social networking is harmful to society, how it’s harmful, and psychological effects on the human mind. One way social networking affects society is the involvement of online relationships and online dating. According to Thomas Wells Brignall III, “Unlike face to face interactions, computer-mediated interactions rarely provide much opportunity to practice the face-saving practices” (Brignall III, Valey 341). There are so many people who depend on online dating rather than trying their chances in the real world for a face to face relationship. People who are involved in online dating can have trouble with learning how to socialize while on a real date. Reasons why people may experience troubles while on a real date is because they don’t realize that a virtual date is not close to a real world date. Virtual dates are different from real world dates because “there is no shared physical space to disrupt, there is no implicit social contrast and there are few social interaction rituals to prevent individuals from being rude when delivering their response,” (341). Heavy use of virtual dating is not an effective way of creating a relationship with someone. User... ... middle of paper ... ...dators, it’s best for children to just stay away. If children stay from social networks, they will benefit more. They can avoid the chances of becoming addicted and focus on more productive things such as school work and real relationships. Social networks seem to have more negatives than positives. They are useful when it comes to maintain friendships and keeping in touch with family but they aren’t necessary. No one should depend on social networks to keep in touch with who they want. If they really want to keep in touch, they should make more of an effort for face to face communication. The conclusion of the use social networks in this paper is if you use them, make sure you are safe and aware of what could happen if something goes astray. If you are not a part of a social network, best is to just ditch the idea of creating one. You would probably be better off.

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