Essay On Cuban Embargo

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The United States embargo against Cuba is a commercial economic and financial embargo imposed by the United States on Cuba. In other words the US basically stopped all trades including medicine, spices, oil, sugar, and traveling to and from Cuba to the US. The Cuba embargo should stay in place and this is why.
When the embargo was set in place in 1960 the US stated that there would be some requirements that Cuba would have to meet in order for the embargo to be lifted. However Cuba has not done anything necessary in order for the US to even consider lifting the embargo. One requirement was as simple as Cuba having to change the way they treat the US, president Obama stated “Now, what we've tried to do is to send a signal that we are open to a new
They say the sanctions harm the US economy and Cuban citizens, and prevent opportunities to promote change and democracy in Cuba. They say the embargo hurts international opinion of the United States. The embargo should be maintained because open travel is insufficient to promote change in Cuba; many democratic countries already allow travel to Cuba with no results. Lifting all travel restrictions to Cuba would not lead to improved conditions or the spread of democracy. More than 2.7 million people from around the world visited Cuba in 2011, including more tourists from Canada than any other country. Despite the steady flow of tourism from western countries, the Cuban government still maintains total control over its people. Most Cuban nationals are banned from tourist areas such as resorts and beaches, so there would be limited contact with US citizens vacationing there. If the US should end the Cuba embargo before Cuba has met the conditions the US will look weak Cuba will think they can walk all over the us because we couldn’t stand our ground. President Obama relaxed the US travel policy

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