Essay On Child Soldiers Should Be Granted Amnesty

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Dear (to be determined) Child soldiers are fighting everywhere across the world as we speak, and I am writing to you, the International Criminal Court, to share my opinion on why child soldiers should be granted amnesty. While i respect your opinion on why they should be prosecuted, remember that they are still only kids. Some children like Ishmael Beah of Sierra Leone, Africa (who is not a child now, he is 37) who was 12 when he was forced to become a child soldier. They had told him that you either join the army, or you get killed. Imagine this, you are 12 years old and your country is at war, and they are losing bad and need soldiers, so they start taking in children, and they tell you, you either fight or you get killed. Just think about being 12 and having your life depend on one choice, which is …show more content…

Adults have gone through life, and they know what is right and what is wrong. Parents and adults are supposed to teach kids about those types of things. Adults teach kids the difference between right and wrong. Adults teach kids that it is not okay to fight with their siblings or their parents, that is because you will be stuck with them forever (in most cases) and if you continue to fight, you will not have the same loving relationship as you should. That will cause problems in the future with your spouses/partners. But why don’t parents do a better job of teaching kids to stick up for what they believe in? Moms and dads have a tendency to say no to a lot of things, which makes kids angry and frustrated, causing kids to not listen to their parents. Kids mostly always say yes, not thinking about the consequences. When an unknown adult comes up to you and says ‘’you either join, or you get killed’’ what would you do? A scared little child joining the army can be as scary as not. Adults are pressuring kids to join the army, when really they should have been a stronger army and not have needed

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