Essay On Bullying

770 Words2 Pages

Bullying is described as a use force, threat, or aggressive behavior towards others that involves the abuse of power by an individual or group towards one or more persons. Bullying in and out of school is getting out of reach. It’s all wrong and it has to stop. There is a major concern that bullying can cause lasting effects, specifically health problems. As a result bullying should be considered as a serious issue and that it should be stopped. This essay will argue that bullying is becoming a serious problem and that there are ways in which this problem can be solved. Firstly, it will provide reasons why Bullying is a global problem amongst students. Then it will suggest ways in which the problem can be solved.

Bullying is becoming a global problem, and it is spreading very quickly. That it is difficult to control the problem completely. This essay will firstly give a number of reasons why students bully and also how they were bullied.

First and foremost, Students who bully others are often driven by the desire for power. They can be spontaneous, extremely temperamental and dominant, and they get pleasure from gaining control over others. For example, students who bully force their victims to give up lunch money and finish up their homework’s and in this way bullies often enjoy status and prestige because others fear them. They think that bullying other students makes them popular or cool. According to the American Psychological association, ‘‘national surveys...70 percent of middle and high school students have experienced bullying at some point, 20-40 percent report having bullied or been part of bullying during the school year, 27 percent report being harassed for not conforming to sexually orthodox actions, 5-15 percent ...

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...ortant not to allow things to happen in school that they would never get away with out in the real world and students and young people who don’t have boundaries and sanctions imposed as they grow up may not obey the law as adults.

Thirdly, create more awareness programmes. There is a need to take action by educational awareness programmes, giving them a clear idea on how bullying can really affect their life but their future ahead. And people should volunteer to support this movement.

It is clear then that bullying is a serious problem like health, financial and relationships with families. With bullying everyone is affected. There is a need to take action by having more educational awareness programmes, imposing greater sanctions for all bullies. It is the responsibility of everyone to try and stop this problem from happening and create a world free from bullies.

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