Essay On Boy Scouts

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Since 1910 the Boy Scouts of America has grown and influenced Boys ranging from the age of 10-17 on the values of life skills and outdoor recreation. Created by Robert Baden Powell in 1908 in England, scouting has grown to over 161 countries and one of the first being the Boy Scouts of America. The Boy Scouts of America has a positive impact on american culture accumulating over 13 million hours in service conducted by over 2.7 million youth members and over a million volunteers in 2012 alone (Facts About Scouting). While some may say Scouting has a positive impact on American society others will say the complete opposite. The most controversial having to do with the openly gay ban that was in place until 2014, but still bans gay or lesbian adults. This means that even though a scout can be openly gay as a youth right when he turns 18 he will be kicked out of scouting. Due to the evolution of scouting some believe it won't be long till the gay ban will be totally lifted. Over the past 100 years scouting has had its fair share of celebrities. These famous scouters have helped shape american society either here on earth or up in space. Among these individuals have been Neil Armstrong, Hank Aaron, Gerald Ford and many more. Scouting has a positive impact on american culture by going through good times and some bad shaped by the american culture and the everlasting need to be outdoors. The Boy Scouts of America dates back to the early 20th century but was not the first boy scouting program. The brainchild of the scouting movement being Robert Baden Powell. Robert Baden Powell was born on February 22, 1857 in Great Britain. He was the son of an Anglican priest and he stressed that in order to be a good citizen you had to believe in ... ... middle of paper ... excluding gay scouts some of which could have been Eagle Scouts. The BSA has stood the test of time throughout the 20th century and early 21st century by incorporating skills and adapting to the modern ways of life. With merit badges like Computer Programing and Nuclear Science the BSA has always and will always promote exciting and innovative ways of intriguing new members and keeping past members involved. Members of the BSA are anxiously awaiting the solution to the gay ban on openly gay adult leaders and If the ban is lifted there’s a lot of people that will agree that this is the right decision to make and will be one that will open many doors for teenagers and adults affected by this ban. The Boy Scouts of America is the ultimate guide for young men that can help shape the future of tomorrow because it has been doing that the past hundred and four years.

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