Essay On Being Interdependent In College

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If I continue to be interdependent by using the resources offered in college, I will continue to be successful throughout my education. The first example of how I am being interdependent in college is by applying for financial aid. With the help of FASFA, I received financial help from the government, which not only has helped me with college expenses, but has also helped me keep the ability to stay focused on my education. For instance, through the financial support of FAFSA, I was able to pay my course fees on time and prevent being withdrawn. FAFSA has also assisted with the expenses of my materials. For example: my pens, paper, notebooks, and binder for my English 67 class; my calculator, pencils, and folders for my Math 71 class; and clay, …show more content…

The incredible financial stability FAFSA gives me, allows me to fully focus on my college education, rather than working numerous hours to pay all my college necessities. The second example of how I am being interdependent in college is by taking advantage of the services the Math Activities Resource Center (M.A.R.C.) has to offer. Multiple times I have gone to the MARC and received tutoring at no cost. For example, earlier in the semester I began having trouble with my intermediate algebra homework, and decided to pay a visit to the MARC. As soon as I walked in, the staff provided me with all the essential materials to help me better my understanding such as; a math textbook, a scientific calculator, and a quiet area for me to do my homework. In addition, I was able to receive help on all math problems I had trouble with from advanced tutors; whom also gave me helpful handouts for extra practice. As a result of receiving help from the MARC, I completed all my math assignments to the best of my ability, and received an A on my exam. The MARC has helped me to understand math better at no cost to me, which has helped me succeed in Math

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