Essay On Atrophy Social Life

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Atrophy, the gradual decline in effectiveness due to lack of use, is the word that sociologist D. Stanley Eitzen uses to describe the fate of social life in the world today. By saying this, Eitzen argues that social life is slowly disintegrating due to many different factors that lead to a lack of social interaction. Using many different statistics and examples, Eitzen makes a convincing case proving that this conclusion is correct and the atrophy of social life is a legitimate problem that the world is currently facing. The first influential factor to the atrophy of social life that Eitzen writes about is moving away. Americans nowadays are always on the go – if moving is the most convenient idea, they will move with no regard to formed relationships that will soon be broken. People are often forced to move in order to follow a job or because of problems within the family. Constantly moving about causes a decline in intimate relationships. This is also true in people who live alone. The lack of regular and reliable social interaction can lead to a less sociable personality and less motivation to form real relationships. Real relationships are what lead to a healthy social life. Technology is one of the main encouragers of …show more content…

The very idea of spending time with people outside of school is exhausting and my heart begins to pound as I raise my hand to speak during class. Speaking in public, even if it’s just to answer a question in class, or carrying out tasks like ordering Chinese food can lead to tears or a sudden lack of ability to breathe. If I think I say something in a weird way or join a conversation I feel I should not have joined, I will remember the terror (because it is pure terror) that I felt in that moment basically

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